Sail course

Do you want to learn or refine the sailing in light sailing boats? Test our courses, learn and enjoy the sea! We offer Basic, Middle and Advanced Level courses throughout the year.


4 sessions 2h 

PRICE 1 pax.

Per person 

PRICE 2 pax.

Per person 

PRICE 3 pax. or more

Per person 


· Graduated Technicians

· Nautical material

· Security boat

· Accident insurance

· Use of dressing rooms

· Floatability vest

· Free parking

· Navigator book


The courses are 8 h in 4 sessions. Each one is structured in a theoretical part at the beginning, where the contents that will then be applied to water are taught, and a practical part in the water where various exercises to put theoretical content into practice will be considered.

At the basic level you will navigate in collective boats and learn the first notions about the sea and sail.
At the middle and advanced level you will navigate in single or double boats.

The contents and boats to be used are structured according to the level of the pupils and the weather conditions. The ultimate goal is that you be able to prepare the boat, sail and return to land autonomously. Once you have passed the advanced level, the instructor will be the one who will validate you if you have reached the sufficient level and give you the ability to sail autonomously with our vessels and be able to pay you a fleet.

We adapt to your schedules so you can navigate in your air.

Keep training,
keep sailing

Keep navigating group classes, perfect your technique and learn new maneuvers! 21 hours spread over two Saturdays per month.

continued courses